Sunday, January 16, 2011

Let the Count Down Begin!

Today is officially one week until Momentum.

 Ahhh just writing that makes me excited.

Momentum was just a dream this past May. Now, eight months later we are about to see the fruit of our labor. Honestly, I think all of us would say that apart from God this thing would still be just a far off dream. Every attempt we have made at doing things our way has failed. Seriously, every time. Originally, Momentum was set to be a summer event. *What were we thinking?* Here we are having Momentum in the dead of winter. We had our ideas of speakers, of sponsors, and of fundraisers. Many of our ideas were divinely reshaped or instigated. He has used our strengths and weakness all for His glory. We can genuinely and humbly say God has planned Momentum from the beginning. It has been our honor to be His hands and feet in this event.

Guys, we still NEED you.


We need people to make this happen. Please, if you think you can be a help to us the 23rd, 24th or both, let us know!!

Prayer. Please, lift us, this event, and its attendees up in prayer this week.

My goal this week is to blog a specific prayer request every day. So, stay tuned!

"In his heart a man plans his ways, but the Lord determines his steps" Psalm 16:9 (That's me quoting it, may be a little off) ;)

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